Key Opinion Leader (KOL) Management Solutions for Companies Who Need a More Cost-Effective Solution than Veeva

Presentation Feedback

Presentation Feedback App

Our presentation feedback app allows you to display a PowerPoint slideshow from your iPad to an Opinion Leader that you are visiting. While you are displaying your presentation, you will also be able to record your perception of the OL's reaction to each slide using hidden controls that allow you to capture positive, neutral and negative responses of the viewer. Each time you show a presentation to an OL, your feedback responses will be captured and can be viewed via an administrative Feedback Report. If you show an OL the same presentation more than once, you’ll be able to look back historically to see if that OL’s feedback has changed from slide to slide. There are also a number of other options available to slice-n-dice the feedback that is being recorded.


Whatever your needs, we're here to help. Just get in touch and we'd be happy to demonstrate what we can do for your company!